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Anzac Day Celebration

Anzac Day is one of the country’s most important national occasions. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand soldiers during World War I. This is why the Sunnyhaven staff keep the tradition of organising activities for the participants to help them commemorate this special day. 

This year, we started preparing for Anzac Day as early as the 18th of April. Our staff gathered some art materials and taught the participants how to make poppies and wreaths. 

On the 25th of April, Valda and Judith from Box Road woke up early to bake some Anzac biscuits for morning tea. Everyone came to the kitchen and watched them bake. They were dancing, singing and reminiscing about how they used to bake with their mums.

We all had biscuits and watched the live Anzac show afterwards. We’re looking forward to commemorating this special occasion with more activities for our participants next year.